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Company Profile

Our 2019-established company, T Balaji Engineering Pvt. Ltd., is known to manufacture and supply products like Light Housing Cover Castings, Flood Light Housing Cover Castings, Ball Light Bottom Cover Castings, Full K Light Housing Cover Castings, Module Electric Box Castings, and more. Based out of Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India, we have been supplying our clients with quality products for years. We have remained true to our values and fulfilled all the commitments made to our clients. This has helped us strengthen our position in the market and grow exponentially in a short amount of time. We are well respected by our clients and vendors, and we strive to maintain that balance. Going forward, we aim to carry this forward and cater to the requirements of a larger audience.

Key Facts of T Balaji Engineering Pvt. Ltd.

Nature of Business

Manufacturer, Supplier


Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India

Year of Establishment


GST Number


Number of Employees


Manufacturing Brand Name




T Balaji Engineering Pvt Ltd
GST : 05AABCZ4699L1ZM trusted seller